Ice Cream Cake

Mar 12, 2022, 6:04:00 PM

Have your cake (and ice cream) and eat it too! Cool down with this perfect blend of cake and ice cream any day.


Food Club® red velvet cake mix

Food Club® 1 gallon vanilla ice cream


Heat oven according to box instructions and mix cake according to box instruction. Grease a baking sheet well, line with parchment, and grease again. Pour cake mixture into baking sheet and bake for 7-10 minutes until the cake starts to pull away from the sides of the pan.

While the cake is cooling, lay out a kitchen towel and dust with powdered sugar. Dump the cake onto the towel and roll into the classic swirl. Let cool the rest of the way while rolled.

Once completely cooled, unroll the cake and smooth 1 inch of slightly softened ice cream across the entire cake. Re-roll and set in freezer for 6-12 hours.

Pull out of freezer and serve immediately. Enjoy!